Frequently asked

Is there any sign up fee?


What is the refund policy?

Marathon.Coach can provide you with a full refund on your payment prior to your program being emailed to you. After you sign up, Ben will provide you with a program prior to meeting with you to discuss it. If you request a refund prior to this program being sent to you, a full refund is provided. Unfortunately, once the program has been sent, no refunds are available.

What if I am not happy with the service?

Your running is meant to be a fun and rewarding activity, and Ben’s coaching is meant to assist that. However, if you are not happy with the program or the service you are receiving, please let Ben know along with feedback on what you are looking for. He will do his best to accommodate your needs. As with any service, Ben may not be the right coach for you. He won’t be offended if you want to move on because he is not meeting your coaching expectations.

Is my program personalised to me?

Every single program Ben writes is personalised. No two runners are the same, so no two programs are the same. Your program will be written specifically to your needs. The details you provide in the sign up form, will help Ben prepare a program that is just write for you. This program can then be finetuned as part of your initial conversation with Ben.

What happens if I get injured during a program?

Ben takes a conservative approach to coaching with the goal of minimising injury risk. However, injures do occur at times. For runners using the Premium Coaching service, your program will be updated to accommodate your injury. For runners using Ben’s Online Training Program service, feel free to email Ben and ask for advice. You will then need to modify the program yourself and resume the program when back to full health.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for an Online Coaching Program here, or Premium Coaching here. Please provide as much detail as possible in the sign up so Ben can prepare a personalised program for you.

How do I pay?

At the end of the sign up process, you will be able to pay by credit card. Payment is processed via Stripe. Online Training Programs are a one time payment, while Premium Coaching is a recurring payment with each new 4 week program.

Have more questions?

If we haven't answered your question in the included FAQs, please contact us here.

Have more questions?

If I haven’t answered your question in the included FAQs, please contact me.

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